Friday, March 14, 2014

E-mail to a magazine editor


My name is Joe Puente and I’m friends with [Jeff]. [Jeff] and I had a conversation the other day and he mentioned that [your magazine] may be in need of a film writer.

I’ve been writing for most of my life and have been published in a few Utah publications including the Sanpete Messenger in Sanpete County (where I first met [Jeff]  and Junction Magazine out of Ogden. I have a number of blogs that I maintain (some more regularly than others) and I’ve written a number of screenplays (some of which have also been produced). I recently published an essay titled “Movie Ratings, Mormonism and Morality” which is available through a number of online ebook distributors including Amazon’s Kindle Store and Apple’s iBooks Store.

As a filmmaker, I’m fairly connected to the local film industry and independent filmmaking community and would be able to write... articles profiling local filmmakers and film-related organizations as well as locally produced films. I’d also be interested in writing reviews of films and attending local events and festivals... if tickets and passes could be provided.

I live in downtown Salt Lake City and would like an opportunity to meet with you and discuss this further. Feel free to contact me... anytime, day or night.

Thank you.

-Joseph L. Puente
Writer, Actor, Filmmaker

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